Home / Resources / Root Cause Analysis Series- Step 2: Causal Analysis Guide for Problem Exploration

Root Cause Analysis Series- Step 2: Causal Analysis Guide for Problem Exploration

What is this?

Root cause analysis (RCA) consists of a group of problem-solving methods aiming to uncover the core causes of an identified problem. Once root causes are determined, teams then select appropriate, well-matched solutions based on a number of factors. Conducting a root cause analysis is ideally a collaborative effort among teams, where a variety of tools and strategies are used to facilitate the process of uncovering the root of the identified problem or challenge to be addressed.

With the problem statement and supporting data from Step 1, the next task is to identify causal factors and root cause(s). This informational handout will provide some brief information to assist in selecting the best method of causal analysis to use moving forward.

The steps in this toolkit are:

Step 1: Problem Definition

Step 2: Problem Exploration (An introduction to causal analysis is provided, alongside 3 options for completion)

Step 3: Implementing Solutions

Step 4: Testing Chosen Strategies


Implementation Area:  Background, Getting and Using Data

Stage:  Exploration/Building Readiness

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