Prioritization Matrix Tool
What is this?
The prioritization matrix is a tool that can help teams visually brainstorm, identify, and decide which tasks or ideas to focus on and in what order they might be addressed.
Why is this important?
A prioritization matrix can be adapted and applied for a number of uses when implementing a practice, program, or innovation. For example, a matrix might be used as a brainstorming tool in early Exploration phase of implementation when considering which problem or challenge to address. Implementation teams might also apply the tool to prioritize goals and/or action steps on an implementation plan as they move through Installation or Initial Implementation stages. Consider using large poster paper, chart paper, sticky notes, or creative virtual platforms (e.g., Zoom whiteboard, Miro) to foster team engagement with the process!
Implementation Area: Leadership and Implementation Teams
Stage: Exploration/Building Readiness, Initial Implementation/Getting Better, Installation/Getting Started