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Usable Innovations

What is this?

This module and lesson about Usable Innovations are both part of the Active Implementation Hub (AI Hub), a free online learning environment for use by any stakeholder — practitioners, educators, coaches, trainers, purveyors — involved in active implementation and scaling up of programs and innovations. It includes content, tools, and resources. The AI Hub is developed and maintained by the State Implementation and Scaling-up of Evidence-based Practices Center (SISEP) and the National Implementation Research Network (NIRN).

Why is this important?

The idea of needing to make sure that an evidence-based program, policy, or practice is “usable” is newer to implementation science and practice. Not every evidence-based program is “turn-key” ready to be put into place as intended. Having a foundational understanding of what it takes for “it” to be usable and tools to explore that helps those seeking to replicate effective interventions to start strong in the process of implementation.

SISEP Resources

Implementation Area:  Usable Interventions

Stage:  Installation/Getting Started

Build Up