Checklist for High-Quality Implementation: From News to Everyday Use-The Difficult Art of Implementation
What is this?
This resource from the Public Health Agency of Sweden features a checklist to provide practical support for implementation. The checklist is comprised of four initial key questions on need, intervention, knowledge support, and place of implementation, followed by additional guiding questions spanning four phases and 14 steps.
Why is this important?
“We hope that the checklist will help decision-makers responsible for public health issues, as well as development managers, strategists, and practitioners with coordinating tasks in different areas. Thus, the checklist is meant for people who are occasionally faced with the challenge of implementing new interventions and work practices to promote the health of the population.”
Visit https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/publikationer-och-material/publikationsarkiv/c/checklist-for-high-quality-implementation-from-news-to-everyday-use-the-difficult-art-of-implementation/ to learn more!
Implementation Area: Leadership and Implementation Teams
Stage: Exploration/Building Readiness, Initial Implementation/Getting Better, Installation/Getting Started