Is This you?
- Leadership keeps asking “What is our role in implementation when we are not providing direct services to children and families?”
- We don’t know where to go to get help and problem-solve when we run into issues we cannot fix.
- Each time our team has turnover, we have to start from scratch with new team members.
What is this?
Teams of people with dedicated time and specific roles are actively ensuring the leadership, management, and day-to-day coordination activities for effective implementation.
Why is this important?
Research and experience tell us that specific attention to how we create change is just as important as the program, policy, or practice we are trying to put into place. Who ensures specific attention to how we create change? Leadership and Implementation Teams. Every project has some kind of coordinator/coordination team to make sure tasks get done by certain deadlines. Leadership and Implementation teams ensure the day-to-day coordination and management of implementation activities (e.g., coaching, using data) as well as the communication, alignment, and problem-solving work that is necessary for managing and sustaining change. These roles may be in one team or be carried out across different teams. The bottom-line is that there is dedicated attention to ensuring “what it takes” for effective implementation. When leadership and implementation teams are working well, groups of people have clear roles with dedicated time to address specific leadership and management activities for implementation. Their responsibilities are role based, not person- or position-title-based. Team members bring specific skills and authority to create and manage organizational change. Teams have clear and systematic links, communication, and feedback loops. Teams systematically collect and summarize themes in data collected related to facilitators and barriers of implementation within and outside of the agency/community, and ensure that feedback loops and learning continue
Leadership and Implementation Resources & tools

This handout identifies various cross function, executive leadership, and day-to-day managerial skills that must be tended to during the implementation process. An accompanying worksheet is provided, which serves as a brief tool to be used as an agency develops the leadership and implementation team members who will be involved in supporting the use of BBI/Six Core Strategies.

This handout explains the features of implementation teams that distinguish them from more traditional team structures. It also defines roles, characteristics of members, and how this team is couched in the agency's larger leadership structure.
Find additional areas of implementation to help you in every stage.