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Program Sustainability Assessment Tool (PSAT)

What is this?

The Program Sustainability Assessment Tool (PSAT) is an online resource for understanding the capacity of a program (from public health, education, other social services) to be maintained over time. The process of using the tool is broken down into four components that help users to understand, assess, review, and use factors that influence a program’s capacity for sustainability to develop an action plan to increase the likelihood of doing so. The tool itself includes 40 questions across eight domains of program sustainability and takes about 10-15 minutes for an individual or group to complete. Upon completion, you can view an automated summary of your results.

Why is this important?

Planning for sustainability enables you to understand and strategically leverage your structures and processes to manage through challenges and maintain programs and benefits over time. This resource is evidence-based, virtually accessible, and no-cost.

You can also find stories from others who have applied this tool, Case Studies – PSAT/CSAT

Implementation Area:  Sustainment

Stage:  Initial Implementation/Getting Better

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