Guide to Developing, Implementing, and Assessing an Innovation
What is this?
The Permanency Innovations Initiative Training and Technical Assistance Project team developed the Guide to Developing, Implementing, and Assessing an Innovation (the Guide) to help individuals and teams use the Development, Implementation, and Assessment Approach. Each volume of the Guide includes instructions, quizzes, real-world examples, and tools that provide guidance and support. Sustainability resources and tools can be found in Volume 5: Full Implementation in Section 10 starting on page 50.
Why is this important?
Planning for sustainability needs to start early and pay attention to more than just the program. This resource describes what to pay attention to and how to so in usable tools for your application.
Categories of Sustainability (p.52 – 54) describes the need to pay attention to infrastructure (both implementation- and organization-related) structures and processes and fiscal strategies. Key Elements of Sustainability outlines ten elements of these three categories that studies and experience suggest as critical.
The Sustainability Planning Tool (Section 10.2, p.60 – 67) provides questions to help facilitate discussions and gather information for possible inclusion in a sustainability plan.
Sustainability Planning: Child Welfare Case Examples (Appendix, p.85-94)
Implementation Area: Sustainment
Stage: Installation/Getting Started