Agency Implementation Teams: What to Consider as You Lead (or Co-Lead) BBI/Six Core Implementation
What is this?
This handout identifies various cross function, executive leadership, and day-to-day managerial skills that must be tended to during the implementation process. An accompanying worksheet is provided, which serves as a brief tool to be used as an agency develops the leadership and implementation team members who will be involved in supporting the use of BBI/Six Core. It includes discussing how much dedicated FTE each staff member will have for BBI/Six Core implementation, as well as a way to discuss the programmatic and implementation assets each team member can bring to the team. This tool can be completed as a team or by one individual team member and then discussed as a group.
Why is this important?
Attention to cross agency roles, executive leadership functions, and daily managerial skills is important. Identifying and resolving gaps in either skillset early on contributes to successful implementation.
Implementation Area: Leadership and Implementation Teams
Stage: Exploration/Building Readiness, Installation/Getting Started