Workforce Professional Development

Is this you?

  • Training alone does not prepare us to use a new program.
  • Coaching is not helping us focus on how to get better.
  • We already have staff designated to deliver this program. Do they bring what is needed to do it well?


Workforce development systems (WFDS) are the plans, procedures, and activities to develop, improve, and sustain people’s abilities to put programs and innovations into practice with fidelity and flexibility and intended benefits.  They include three core components: 1) recruitment and selection; 2) training (pre-service preparation); and 3) coaching (in-service support).


Taking time to develop and support each of the three core components of workforce development systems help to ensure that people are competent and confident to deliver the program as intended and know where to go to share needs and get support. That means that capacities for WFDS also involve supervisors, managers, other leaders, and the practices they ensure to support those delivering the program. And that data are being shared to understand program delivery and the quality and effectiveness of workforce development activities to support it.

Workforce Professional Development Resources & tools

Leveraging Practice Profiles to Strengthen Workforce Development

This tip sheet/handout describes the connection between practice profiles and key elements of a workforce development system (recruitment/selection, training, and coaching). It also outlines the benefits of supervisors using practice profiles to support staff. It was used with the BBI/Six Core pilot sites.

NIRN Training Plan Template

Our colleagues at the National Implementation Research Network created the Training Plan Template to help guide teams in their planning processes to develop quality Workforce Development training programs. This tool can be used to guide discussions around rationale, core components, knowledge, skills, outcomes, and assessment.

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